Royalty Free Music

for videos & commercial use

Buy once, use forever

Pay as you go membership

Get 5 downloads for $49 $39

Commercial use included
  • Download any 5 audio files

  • Choose from thousands of studio quality royalty free stock music tracks, loops, and sound effects.
  • Lifetime
    royalty free license

  • Use in any personal or commercial media project (see examples). Re-use in multiple projects.
  • No Long-Term commitment

  • No download deadline. No recurring payments. Easily renew when you need more music.
  • Promotional video
  • Training video
  • Presentation / slideshow
  • Film / documentary
  • Podcast / audio book
  • Game / Software App
  • Explainer video
  • Advertisement
  • On hold system
  • Video intro / outro
  • Wedding video
  • Vlog / YouTube

Choose from thousands of music tracks and sound effects

+ Thousands More

Frequently asked questions

How many files can I download for $39?

You can download any 5 audio files, including music tracks, loops, and sound effects from our entire catalog of thousands of studio quality audio files. Nothing is excluded.

Can I check my download count?

You always can see the remaining downloads in the top menu, as well as in My Account dashboard.

pay as you go download counter

Can I use it on YouTube?

Yes, absolutely! Our license explicitly grants you the right to use our music on any social network, including commercial and monetized YouTube videos. Each music track you download comes with a personalized licensing certificate identifying you or your company as the license holder.

Can I use it in commercial projects?

Yes! Our lifetime royalty free license grants you all the rights you need to use our music in both personal and commercial projects.

Can I use it in multiple videos / projects?

Yes! You can use the same songs in multiple videos / projects / YouTube channels as many times as you wish.

Will my unused downloads expire?

No, your remaining downloads will never expire. You can download all 5 files right away or over any period of time that suits your needs.

Is this a subscription?

No, this is not a subscription and there are no recurring payments. Simply buy another 5 downloads when you need more music. We also offer unlimited download subscriptions if that suits your needs better.

Can I re-download the same file?

Yes, you can re-download the same file multiple times without depleting your remaining downloads.

Can I buy more downloads?

Yes! Once your Pay As You Go plan has 0 downloads left, you can simply renew it for another 5 downloads or upgrade to one of our unlimited download subscriptions and get full credit for your Pay As You Go plan.


Need more than 5 downloads?

Get unlimited access to our entire music catalog. See all available membership plans.

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Get access to thousands of royalty free music tracks, loops, and sound effects

  • Unlimited Download

  • Unlimited access to the entire catalog. New music added daily.
  • Use Anywhere

  • Use in personal, freelance, and commercial business projects.
  • Lifetime License

  • Your licenses never expire even when you cancel your subscription
  • Promotional video
  • Training video
  • Presentation / slideshow
  • Film / documentary
  • Podcast / audio book
  • Game
  • Explainer video
  • Advertisement
  • On hold system
  • Video intro / outro
  • Wedding video
  • Vlog / YouTube
Download free preview
This audio preview is for evaluation purposes only and does not come with a license to use it in videos or other projects.