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Zap sfx and VN Music

I would like to request sound effects for a gasp of surprise (male/female) as well as various electricity / zap effects. There already exists a taser sound effect and some generators and that kind of thing but nothing for discharges etc. These could also be expanded for the various spell effects that exist like fireball such as a chain lightning or sound effects with chilling / ice magic or spell skill effects. Maybe an icy / chill winter wind sfx or one involving crystallization that cold wind on hoarfrost kind of noise.

I would also like to ask for more visual novel music which generally means a consistent volume level. I would prefer neutral sounding loop music so it isn't distracting as characters do their voice lines over top of it. There is enough variety on the site I have most of what I need but some more tracks that convey nervousness and tension would be appreciated. Sensual and romantic tracks are useful too.

Thank you for the interesting request. That certainly gives us lots to work on 🙂

Here are some of the today's new uploads:

Freezing Wind Spell

Tense cinematic underscore. There's a bit of a build up but you can always loop to keep the soundtrack steady:

Skyline Crime Scene

Emotional, slightly sad underscore with modern electronica sound:

Don’t Cry

Stay tuned for more!


Here's a new zap energy discharge sound:

Zap Discharge Spell

Stay tuned for more!

Thank you!

Some more information on my last request:

In your library there are a lot of tracks that fit the tags but most will lean towards a specific purpose. For example there are hundreds of tracks that would be suitable leading up to a battle or in a movie action sequence. In the anxious / nervous / pensive kind of category they are ghost tracks and scare tracks and Halloween tracks, great for Dracula to pop out but not for two friends building up to their tense first kiss. The atmosphere for the two friends in private is completely different than other things in the category. There is also a sensual element to it that is also very different from the romantic tracks on the site that feature heavy piano or an uplifting beat. Japanese VNs do a good job of this and that’s where most of the examples I’d point to exist.

I’m almost completely through tunepocket’s library and I also noticed that there are a lot of children’s songs but not an adult comical shock song or tune. These are often played in anime, film, comedies etc when characters reveal a big misunderstanding in a funny moment, their brains short circuit and the audience laughs. So I would add that to my list of requests if possible.


Thanks again!

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