Hi tech music works best in modern technology videos, product review vlogs, tech news podcast background, and similar tech related content. In this playlist you will find our most popular royalty free tech music, including calm electronica, robotic techno, synthwave, as well as other genres of modern electronic music with recognizable ‘hi-tech’ feel.
All our royalty free tech stock music is available for download in both WAV and MP3 audio format with all-in-one commercial license and can be instantly used in professional and business projects, including for-sale videos, monetized YouTube channels, and freelance client work.
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Found: 1453 track(s)
Pink Noise (1 Hour)
Violet Noise (1 Hour)
10 Hz Alpha Brainwave Binaural Beat
Grey Noise (1 Hour)
Orange Noise (10 Min Loop)
Blue Noise (1 Hour)
Game Pick Up Alert
Keyboard Typing Sounds (1 Hour)
Brown Noise (1 Hour)
Wind In Microphone Noise
Green Noise (1 Hour)
Green Noise For Sleep (10 Min Loop)
White Noise Loop (10 Min)
2 Hz Delta Brainwave Binaural Beat
Pink Noise Loop (10 Min)
Green Noise (10 Min)
Violet Noise Loop (10 Min)
Energy Discharge Zap
Black Noise LFE (1 Hour)
Energy Discharge
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