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Important note!

We will try out best to fulfill all requests but please note that it is not guaranteed.

We do this as the courtesy for our valued members and we greatly appreciate everyone's input but custom music requests is not part of the membership.

For very specific and custom requests we will be happy to refer you to a composer or a sound designer who can help you for a fee. You will negotiate directly with the composer.

Thank you for understanding.

Ciao a tutte/i, sto lavorando nella realizzazione di un video documentario inerente le lotte per l'emancipazione delle raccoglitrici di olive nel Sud d'Italia. Sono stati anni di sacrifici inimmaginabili, di soprusi da parte dei proprietari terrieri e dei loro sgherri, molto spesso mafiosi. Il video conterrĂ  immagini storiche e testimonianze di donne anziane, protagoniste di quelle lotte per l'emancipazione delle donne lavoratrici. Sto cercando dei brani, di diversa lunghezza da utilizzare nel documentario, brani che siano solo strumentali e non con parole. Se avete dei consigli e delle indicazioni da darmi ve ne sarei molto grato. Grazie Maurizio


Hello everyone, I'm working on the realization of a documentary video concerning the struggles for the emancipation of olive pickers in Southern Italy. They were years of unimaginable sacrifices, of abuse by landowners and their thugs, very often mafia. The video will contain historical images and testimonies of elderly women, protagonists of those struggles for the emancipation of working women. I'm looking for pieces of different lengths to be used in the documentary, pieces that are only instrumental and not with words. If you have any advice and information to give me I would be very grateful. Thanks Maurizio

Thanks Maurizio,

It's best to create a separate topic if you're looking for something specific. It will have more visibility.

For now we will close this thread for new replies.

If you need something custom (branded content or something exclusive) please contact us by email to discuss the pricing and the timing.

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